Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Judeo-Christian Mythology: Truth vs Fact, Metaphor vs Literalism
Judeo-Christian mythology is full of great wisdom and truths if taken as metaphor and parable, but is short on facts and damaging when taken literally. Look back through history at all the atrocities done in the name of God and Christianity. Who would want to be part of a religion like that? Who would want to worship such a vengeful, wrathful God? The historic Jesus can be understood as an incarnation of God from the standpoint that he was a living model for how we should live our lives with justice, love, and in relationship, so that every member of society and the universe was cared for. Jesus' teachings were about these, justice, love, and relationship, not about individual souls and their damnation or saving. His message was about social justice and our relationship with each other and God.